Order my chapbook The Beer Line. It’s illustrated by Milwaukee artist Sarah Gail Luther and sells for $12.00.  I take payments via CashApp: $SueBlaustein and Venmo: @Susan-Blaustein. You can order In the Field – Autobiography of an Inspector here too. It’s $18.00. Bundle it with a copy of “The Beer Line”: both books for $25. Please add $5.00 for shipping. In Sheboygan, there may be a copy or two at WordHaven BookHouse!


I’m honored to have a poem “Willow” in Currents Zine, Volume 1, Flow which was created by Milwaukee’s DeMar Walker as part of his artist residency with the Milwaukee Water Commons. This is a print publication, with beautiful art included, a steal at $20! Order it here. 

The summer 2024 issue of “The Solitary Plover” is live now. My poem “Mid-May” is in there!

My poem “A Song for My Slippers” is part of the Summer 2024 issue of “Bramble”, which is published by the Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets.

“A Song for Biofilms” is now live on AIOTB.

I just discovered that a photo I submitted to the Wisconsin Medical Journal for an issue about the COVID Pandemic experience was actually published.

The “Cities and Borders” issue of Tabi Po Poetry is live now, and my poem “The Store With Eyes, and Three Names” is included.

My poem “Traveling” is included in “Awakenings”, a print and digital download publication of “Of Rust and Glass”. ORAG is based in northwest Ohio and energetically supports writers and artists based in the midwest. I had two poems in the Spring 2022 issue as well. You can buy that issue,  “Awakenings” and all their other offerings at the ORAG Store. 


Another short poem “Holiday” is up on The Raven’s Perch.

I’ve been participating in Zoom Write-Ins offered by Madison’s Art Lit Lab and the Driftless Writing Center (based in Viroqua). Driftless just released another “Catalog of Small Machines” , which showcases the work of write-in participants. My short poem “Suspended” is included.

My first nonfiction publication  – an essay about one of my favorite authors of all time, Sally Carrighar – is live on AIOTB (As It Ought To Be).

I read and talked poetry on Riverwest Radio with radio host Keith Gaustad and poet Kathrine Yets on 9/30 and featured at Linneman’s on October 2.

I have a poem “Who Wrote the Book of Love” up on As It Ought To Be (AIOTB).

My poems “On Picnic Day” and “Enough” are up on The Raven’s Perch.

The second “Catalog of Small Machines” has been published by the Driftless Writing Center. It features work by writers who participate in weekly Zoom write-ins offered by Driftless Writing Center (Viroqua) and Art Lit Lab (Madison). My poem “Sweet Autumn, Our Dog Max is Old” appears there with lots of others’ work.

2022 News

The main event of 2022 was the completion and publication of my chapbook “The Beer Line”. With a new book to sell, and COVID restrictions eased, I was out a lot. I featured at my poetry home – Linneman’s Riverwest Inn – and shared the stage at Woodland Pattern with poet and Milwaukee Yoga Center classmate DeWitt Clinton in July.

For those with the interest or stamina, the entire Woodland Pattern reading is on YouTube.  On December 12, I featured (via Zoom) at Poetry Unlocked. That’s been captured on video too!

The “Spring” issue of “Of Rust and Glass” includes two poems of mine – “Anthropomorphism” and “The Green Swan”. You can order a print copy, or digital download at the (O)Rag Shop.

2021 News

AIOTB (As It Ought To Be) has published my poem “Microscopy”.

I wrote “The Dragonfly’s Song” for an episode of Anja Notanja Sieger’s “Subtle Forces” podcast. The Raven’s Perch has published it.

Another poem “Rest In Peace” is now up on AIOTB (As It Ought To Be) Magazine.

I have a poem “Bird, tired bird” up on Zingara Poetry Review.

Dan Denton (of “Not A Duck in Any Row Studios”) is the creator of the Blue Collar Gospel Hour and the monthly Lunch Bucket Brigade Zine series. He interviewed me for his podcast “Blue Collar Gospel Hour”. Dan is an astute questioner, with a lot of heart and smarts. You can listen here.

I’ve collaborated with Anja Notanja Sieger before.  She produces a podcast – “The Subtle Forces” . I responded to her general invitation to submit lyrics for a tribute to her late aunts Barbara and Mary. My contribution – “Pretty is as Pretty Does, The Dragonfly’s Song” – may be heard on “Ugly When Little, Pretty When Big”. Enjoy!

My poem “On Hubbard Street” is live on AIOTB now.

My poem “Brother” appears in Lunch Bucket Brigade Zine #3. 

Draw Write Here’s “People’s History of the Pandemic, When Reality Hits” was followed by “Peoples History of the Pandemic, Civil Rights edition” (I collaborated with Jolie Collins) , then “Going Postal”. View all the e-books.

2020 News

Another poem is live on AIOTB –  “1968, 1969, 2018, 2019: The Fifty-Year Anniversaries Are Almost Over”

“A Horse Named Can-Ball-the-Flowers” is live on AIOTB!

My poem “A Song for Coincidence” is up on Tiny Seeds Literary Journal.

My poem “The Old Ways” is now live on AIOTB (As It Ought To Be).

And now, also from As It Ought to Be, “A Song for Noise”.

My poem “A Song for Harvest Spiders” has been published by As It Ought to Be, an online journal!

My poem “Understanding Risk Factors So You Can Control Them” appears online in Stickman Review. I shared this poem on April 30, 2021 as part of Ex Fabula’s April Poetry Month feature “Backstory”. I recited the poem, and the video is linked here.